Eroticism is the space between self and other.” ~Esther Perel

Welcome to Coaching with Lyuba!

In this personalized 1:1 coaching program we will work together to address any blocks that keep you feeling disconnected or disenchanted. We will use experiential techniques to help you connect with your body and expand your experience of joy and pleasure - in all aspects of your life.

Following a free 15-minute consultation call, you will choose between an individual, 3, 6 or 12 coaching session packages. Session is usually 75 mins long at $200 per session. Lyuba sees clients in her San Diego office and Online via Zoom.

Coaching Packages

  • 3 Sessions

    We always begin with a 15-minute complimentary call to get to know you better and begin to understand how you can best be supported. In three sessions, we will typically focus on one area of interest or challenge, and offer one to two experiential practices that you can bring home with you to expand your pleasure practice. After 3 sessions clients feel grounded in the work and may have 2-3 new insights or tools that are helpful as they move forward in their journey.

    We recommend this package if you already have quite a bit of connection and intimacy and just need a little boost to mix things up in your bedroom or your life.

  • 6 Sessions

    After our 15-minute complimentary call, we will spend six sessions addressing 1-3 areas of possible growth and expansion. In these sessions I will work alongside you to explore your triggers, unacknowledged needs, and areas of longing. We will work together to increase your awareness so that you can begin to better understand the places you experience break-down in your intimacy with yourself or others. After 6 sessions I start to see clients experiencing clarity and taking ownership for the areas they want to transform in their own experience of intimacy.

    We recommend this package if you would like support gaining a deeper understanding and awareness of yourself and what keeps you feeling “stuck.”

  • 12 sessions

    Following a complimentary call, we will spend 12 sessions deep diving into any “blocks” you may be experiencing in your pleasure mindset. We will spend time working on your embodiment, your relationship patterns, and your experience of your own pleasure. I will support you to translate what you learn in our coaching calls towards your relationships with others. After approximately 12 sessions is when I start to see bigger changes occurring for my clients. It takes this investment for our patterns and sense of self to begin to transform.

    We recommend this package if you would benefit from the time to retrain or re-wire your nervous system to deeply alter the way you react to and create intimacy.